Good Nights Are In Your Future

We are excited.

Welcome to The Good Night Theatre Collective’s blog. You might be asking: “What is this thing I’m looking at with the really long (really cool) name?” Let me tell you.

The Good Night Theatre Collective is a new theatre company based in Sioux Falls, S.D. founded by four friends who met onstage and share a love of performing. We’re the nerds who can connect every life event, one-liner, or bad day to a Broadway lyric; the ones who break into a tap number, jazz square, or Fosse strut while walking downtown; and the ones whose best nights include an audience, center-stage, and a spotlight.

We exist to “create consistently captivating and intentionally distinct theatrical experiences by cultivating committed artists and engaging the greater community,” as stated in our mission statement. Simplified: we live to share good nights with artists, audiences, and the community. You know those nights – the memorable ones that make you fall asleep with a smile on your face or that you still laugh about, even months later. The good nights you can’t wait to repeat.

We are bringing cabarets to Sioux Falls.

We are excited to announce our first offering in partnership with the ICON Lounge in downtown Sioux Falls. We are thrilled ICON is hosting us and thankful such an iconic venue is so supportive of the arts.

Join us on the “third-Thursday” of each month for a good night of cabaret-styled evening entertainment. Each month, local talent will be featured in music, song, and dance on the ICON stage. Connect with Good Night on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to know when the theme drops for each month. Our first cabaret is November 17. Buy tickets here!

If you are interested in performing with The Good Night Theatre Collective, contact us at

We are committed to artists and audiences in the community.

We believe in theatre and the power it has to transform artists and communities. Sioux Falls continues to grow, as does its arts scene; we look forward to being a part of that growth, providing artists and audiences with new and lasting opportunities to become theatre nerds, like us!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for everything you need to know about The Good Night Theatre Collective and stay tuned to this blog for updates from rehearsal and the ICON floor.

Think we sound like your kind of theatre company? Don't miss out on the chance to see our very first show.